About Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Funds
A CMP is a monetary penalty the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) may impose against nursing homes for either the number of days or for each instance a nursing home is not in substantial compliance with one or more Medicare and Medicaid participation requirements for long-term care facilities. A portion of CMPs collected from nursing homes are returned to the states in which CMPs are imposed. State CMP funds may be reinvested to support activities that benefit nursing home residents and that protect or improve their quality of care or quality of life.
About the SNFClinic Grant
SNFClinic has received a grant from CMS through the CMPRP to provide qualifying facilities with an electronic learning management system (eLMS) free of charge that provides long-term care facilities with a wealth of resources necessary to provide quality resident care. SNFClinic is now expanding its program to other states. If your facility is interested in receiving SNFClinic free of charge, please click here.